Gartner News

Get Ready to Rethink Your Workplace

Technology will transform the workplace over the next decade.

Is Anthony, CIO at a leading grocery retailer, well prepared to manage the changes in his workplace?

The Age of the Wearable 
Anthony is looking closely at the potential for wearables to monitor the health of employees and reduce not just sickness levels, but health insurance costs. He’s also considering how customers will use wearables to enhance their shopping experience.

Employers will find themselves with a goldmine of information about employee performance and customer behavior, which can be used to personalize services to customer context and requirements in real time.

Alongside HR, IT leaders will play a critical role in shaping how their business approaches the arrival of wearables in the workplace. Fostering a truly “connected space” will depend on employees recognizing and embracing the personal and organizational benefits of using this technology rather than seeing it as intrusive.

Rise of the Machines
Gartner predicts that one in three jobs will be replaced by smart machines by 2025. However, this does not mean net job cuts.

To find out more about Gartner’s predictions regarding digital workplace visit Smarter With Gartner website.

More information is available in the research note “Top Consumer Trends That Will Impact the Digital Workplace in 2025.”

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