Each year Gartner conducts the world’s largest CIO survey to track how senior IT leaders around the globe are balancing their strategic business, technical and management priorities.

Gartner then generates the annual CIO Agenda Report, which presents survey findings and case studies, plus expert analysis and insight.

This year’s survey includes the views of nearly 3,000 CIOs across 84 countries.

The benefit of taking part in the survey is that the Agenda Report is accessible for free, no matter One has Gartner contract or not.

We would like to help the survey be filled up with as many regional data as possible. For this we are organizing a special tradition-forming morning event.

You are cordially invited to our “Gartner CIO Survey” event!

Date and time: 24th May, 2016, Tuesday, 8.30 a.m.
Venue: Larus Restaurant (1124 Budapest, Csörsz utca 18/b)
Gartner analyst: Mary Mesaglio

Important! The main focus of the event is the Gartner CIO Survey. For taking the survey please bring your notebook with you!


Detailed program:

08.30 – 09.00 Registration

09.00 – 09.15 Opening / Presentation of last year’s CIO Survey

09.15 – 09.50 Filling out Gartner CIO Survey

09.50 – 10.35 Presentation: Bimodal IT in Practice, Mary Mesaglio research VP, Gartner

10.35 – 10.45 Short wrap up and break

10.45 – 13.00 Private One-on-One analyst consultation and “Gartner movie”


Mary Mesaglio is a Research Vice President with Gartner’s CIO research team. She writes and holds interactive presentations on how CIOs need to become bimodal and how to achieve that. In Budapest she will focus on questions such as:

“Why should you consider bimodal IT now and how to start?”

“Why is Bimodal IT a global practice and not a question of where your company is located (for example in Hungary)?”


One-on-One meetings

We are offering an exclusive opportunity to speak directly with the analysts during a private 30 minute consultation to explore solutions to your personal IT (primarily Bimodal IT) issues and challenges.

If you would like to book a one-on-one appointment, please indicate your request on the registration form and note your question in the appropriate section.


The event is free but attendance requires registration.

In any case you may not be able to attend the event, but wish to fill out the Gartner CIO Survey, please leave us a message and our colleague will reach you!

First Name (required)

Last Name (required)

Organisation (required)


Email (required)


I would like to book a special One-on-One meeting with Gartner analyst

Your remarks / question(s) for your One-on-One analyst consultation