Gartner News

Unlock the Value of Big Data With Master Data Management

CIOs and Chief Data Officers can implement four initiatives for better data management.

A mass of unstructured data can be more burden than benefit. Many organizations struggle to get their house in order and turn data into dollars.

“The more data you have, the more crucial it is to better manage your master data and improve the maturity of your master data management (MDM) program,” said Saul Judah, research director at Gartner. “Existing approaches to data management are, in many cases, insufficient to accommodate big data sources on an enterprise scale. Collecting data without managing it properly also creates ongoing costs as well as regulatory and compliance risks.”

More importantly, immature MDM limits an organization’s ability to extract valuable insights form data. CIOs and Chief Data Officers who oversee big data initiatives need to consider the steps described on Smarter With Gartner website.

You can find more information on the relationship between MDM maturity and generating value from big data in the Gartner research note: “The Impact of Big Data on Master Data Management and How to Survive It.”

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