Gartner Movie and Round Table

Innovative Organizational Structures

„A company’s culture is the foundation for future innovation.
An entrepreneurs job is to build the foundation.”
Brian Chesky – CEO and co-founder of Airbnb

Over the past few years, almost every study of business leaders has found that the key to corporate growth and out-competing others in your industry in this increasingly flat, complex and highly competitive world, is innovation. Yet, there’s often a disconnect with these macro-picture attitudes and the micro-picture realities: few C-level leaders actually declare that Job #1 for them is unleashing greater creativity by employees and institutionalizing a sustainable system for harnessing it for new product, service, process and other innovations.

Leadership is key to innovation in the corporate setting and helps for the company culture to become more diverse and sustainable. Many companies resist change and perceive the innovator as a “deviant”. Great strategic leaders at exponential organizations aid innovation and creativity in the company culture.

How different Hungarian companies follow the innovative organizational structures?
Do they manage to institutionalize innovation?
Is creativity supported or accepted when a difficult problem needs to be solved?
Are company leaders are trained and skilled enough to help innovation and make organizational changes taking into consideration the exponentially growing technological developments?

At our next event, as representatives of Gartner in Bulgaria and Hungary we would like to find the answers to these kinds of questions.

Date: May 4. 2017, Thursday, 15.00-17.30
Venue: 1038 Budapest, Papírgyár utca 58-59.


Participation is free of charge, but subject to registration due to limited seats.

Detailed Program:

15.00 – 15.10 Introduction – Papp László, Area Manager – Gartner
15.10 – 16.00 Exponential Organizations – Salim Ismail, Founding Executive Director – Singularity University. The speech was delived at different Gartner Events like the CIO Leadership Forum in Phoenix and the Symposium in Barcelona.
16.00 – 16.20 Coffee-break and Networking
16.20 – 17.20 Innovative Organizational Structures – Round table discussion lead by Mr. Tamás Kürti, owner and CEO of Kürtakadéma.
Csóti Gábor (Investors In People)
Dr. Dobay Róbert (Menedzsmentor)
Kürti Tamás (Kürtakadémia)
Papp László (Gartner)


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Participants of Round Table

Dr. Robert Dobay



Dr. Robert Dobay is an influential business thinker and coach who bravely goes against the mainstream and challenges conventional leadership practices. In spite of his young age he has unique experiences in business and leadership development, organization transformation and change management.
Due to his practical thinking, extraordinary creativity and personal efficiency, he reached the top of his career in his thirties: he was Managing Director of IBM-EMEA Delivery Centre and CEO of Getronics – Global Service Center.
Thereafter, Robert decided to get off the treadmill and has started a new career: based on his business experiences he founded Menedzsmentor to support his clients to put their strengths to work in change processes. Instead of problem fixing, building on individual and organizational strengths is the center of his approach. It is much more efficient to obtain emotional commitment of the participants this way. His basic principle is whether we think short or long term, there’s no best practice which can lead to fast and spectacular results in any situation.
He can make visible changes in relatively short time that clients speak in flattering terms about. He is considered as one of the 30 best-known business coaches in Hungary.

László Papp



Papp László programozó matematikus, az i-Tango Kft. ügyvezető igazgatója, a Gartner magyarországi képviseletének vezetője. Célja, hogy a Gartner – a nemzetközi vezető pozíciójának megfelelően – meghatározó, független véleményvezér szerepbe kerüljön a hazai infokommunikációs piacon, és aktív szereplője legyen a hazai IT társadalomnak.
Karrierjét 1991-95 között a Matávnál majd a BBL-nél kezdte; 1996-2006-ig a Pannonban dolgozott, ahol számos területen, számos projektben kipróbálta magát. Felelősségi körébe tartoztak az IT fejlesztések, az üzleti koordináció, üzleti projektek, projektvezetőként a 3G bevezetés, végül marketing osztályvezetőként a vállalati ügyfelek. 2006-2011-ig a Stratis partnere volt, ahol feladata lett a cég banki és biztosítási ügyfélbázisának fejlesztése, kiépítése, a Stratis jelenlétének stabilizálása és növelése e szektorokban.

Tamás Kürti



Tamás Kürti is a second generation entrepreneur, owner and head of institution at KÜRT Academy. He is a member of executive boards of Hungarian and international family business organisations. Tom owns an MSc degree in engineering management, and a postgraduade degree in organisational development, supervision and coaching. As a senior executive and as organizational developer as well, his major focus is the individual and organisational use of cutting-edge digital technologies with exponential management methodologies. He has worked with C-level executives and owners of private, public and high-tech companies for almost two decades.

Gábor Csóti



MSc in electrical engineering, microelectronics and technology; MBA in human resources management and quality management; registered international Investors in People practitioner; organisation development consultant. Leading the implementation of the organisation development standard and accreditation system “Investors in People” in Hungary; initiator of the Hungary’s Most Excellent Companies Programme; counsellor at the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary (BCCH). Committed to promoting and improving organisations’ competitiveness and business culture, as well as supporting organisational innovation and developing networks of knowledge creation. Guest lecturer at the University of Pannonia and frequent guest presenter at various other higher education institutions.